The Story Within the story! :(


Is it wrong to be me, to be human? To be confused almost every time truth being I already know the right thing to do but I never get to do it.

Well Sandra is a woman, a woman in her prime, a lady of finesse. She is not a woman to be approached in any kinda rough manner if not a “bitch slap” awaits thee. She’s 25 and she owns and manages her  own company and even other people’s businesses too.

While growing up she had issues, she was pretty and mean but she was really a nice sweet young lady beamed up with aggression because of a wicked past.  She watched her family, most especially her father struggle so many times and she wasn’t a very optimistic person to deal with that. She had no past to look backwards to, she forgot them dutifully. She had no past to smile to because she was sad and had sad memories.

Although not so often, her parents would argue and fight but it hurt her the most because she would see movies that painted a picture perfect relationship which she herself had never come to enjoy. Maybe because she tried to live those movies and did she not fail oh so woefully. She was tagged as “proud” and she couldn’t even control it herself!!

Nobody knew her business, she was secretive and sad, her mother told her every time!

She was a sad Sanguine. At a point she wanted to avoid humans, she was different, not happy but she didn’t want to be noticed for that.

She wasn’t physically or sexually abused, her abuse was psychological. Her mother cried, her father was sweet but they never really understood her. she thought they thought of her as bad like the others!

She let what she felt accumulate into this mound of rubbish. She wasn’t easy and open to change. Why? She couldn’t explain. She wanted to do the wrong to satisfy this exuberance but she never wanted to see her mama cry!!

“Me reading this I’m sad because she’s me, she’s living my life. Now I am Lovelyn and I’m a workaholic and a self-esteem that lies beneath the earth’s surface and I hide this by being mean and stiff. I use my intellectual prowess to cover the aching of my heart that’s if I have any. There’s a hole,  a big black one that needs to be filled.

But first I have to right my wrongs and carry on with the rights I do!

But the first step is being right with the Maker King.

It’s still



I know it’s quite an old song but I recently re-downloaded K’naan and Nelly Furtado’s- Is anybody out there? And yes it speaks to me and I wrote this listening it

Well, it’s the season of love again! I mean Valentine’s Day is a big deal and we basically don’t need to have any motivation to want to celebrate this!

We all want all the roses, teddies, chocolates, cakes and all that!

But what’s the essence of all this when you basically don’t feel anything. No true love just emotions especially for us who really suffer this! Well the pursuit for the good things of the world hasn’t still covered the gap in my heart.

Its predictable enough that I don’t sound happy! I’m getting gifts for sure I mean if nobody gets me anything I’d get something for myself 😉

But what I really don’t understand is why happiness has just been a charade to me.

I spoke to a friend about this a few days ago and I told him something! I told him I couldn’t feel what I wanted to feel and I thought he’d ask me what I wanted to feel but he didn’t ask me what I wanted to feel!

What do I want to see and feel??

All I want is….

I want to feel what I felt some 2 years ago.

But something’s changed all of a sudden. I was so excited I spoke to this special someone before posting this. Well I had a talk with this person who told me that he really didn’t see the point of celebrating or believing in a mythical figure who may not even have existed so much so in the bible. Well I had to ask myself if it wasn’t the same story with the whole Christmas thing!

Yes Jesus was born and did it have to be December 25th and how did “Santa” step into the picture?

I’m indifferent. Is it all vanity again or us humans being gullible again expecting compulsory gifts from lovers and too much hype?!

Please explain to me.

And Anyway,


Forever His ‘Dinma

From a Doubtful, Concerned Mind!

An honest observation, a clear product of my mind’s many sojourns which I didn’t send it on. I think I think too much! Too much so I even posited the guidelines and principles for a new religion. I had to talk to a friend about it and he being a potential atheist saw things my way. He had not being blinded by religion like everyone else. Like me! Why had this happened?? Why have I as inquisitive and as intelligent as I am allowed myself to be blinded by “Religion”. Not Christianity, religion! Apparently in Bible times, the reason why the Christians were called Christians was because they looked like, acted like and talked like Jesus when He came down to earth! I’m being as prudent as I may be but I have to emphasize the difference between “Religion” and “Christianity” and “Religion” and “Spirituality”.

Religion is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and world views that relate humanity to an order of existence

Spirituality is the quality or state of being concerned with religion or religious matters: the quality or state of being spiritual

I can’t differentiate!

And now what am I? Confused? Or Confused! I guess we all are because nobody seems to answer the questions I ask. Does anyone really have full understanding?

There are too many things to this world; there’s intuition, there’s conscience, there’s the Bible, there’s the Qu’aran, There are mystical books, there’s everything! Which speaks the actual truth?

I’m confused, I ask questions and I’m too young the thoughts I think! They say I’m lost but aren’t we all?

What if we woke up on the day of “The Second Coming” and find out that all this things we believed were wrong! And all this was but a charade. That all the Chapel Services and S’llehs (I hope I spelt that correctly) were all vanity and our fore fathers were right or maybe the cremating Indians? What happens then? It doesn’t really matter because a percentage of us just follow these doctrines because we don’t want to be the object of discussions and target for revival and evangelism outreaches we already know the “hell” that awaits us so what do we care!

I don’t know what came over me or has come over me! The intensity with which I type the alphabets on my keyboard unto my screen makes me feel pity for the poor electronic. I mean it’s not its fault but then at least it aided me on the journey of more confusion. But it allows me to express my confusion. All I ask for is answers! I really have seen too much to concentrate and come up with some innovative stories and lovely messages. There’s PRETENSE, CONFUSION, ANGER AND DECEIT in this world!

This is beginning to sound like a suicide note but am I not already dead! Dead with confusion! Save me!

Be worried for me!

An Atheist’s feel

But still

Forever His ‘Dinma!

And I’m worth??

Being forced to wake up every morning to the smell of my own urine now evaporated but then has left this betraying smell which now fills my airwaves. It is not a good smell I must confess and then that large creaking iron door well bolted now being unlocked by the enormous shadow now emerging and that hoarse thickly Igbo accented voice of my comptroller as I had come to call him not to his face with my mouth but in my head. He would always blare “Gett up” as though he owned me! And yes of course he did, I let him own me, I was just too proud to bring myself to believe this honest truth, I would call it dignity or maybe me just being hopeful of the better things to come.

Word press He was a large man, 6’4ft tall and a wobbly tummy that always stuck out of his well pressed and starched khaki uniform and then that pitch dark face that would make you mistake him to be a Ghanaian not knowing that he was an Igbo man from Isi-ala ngwa in Abia, Nigeria. A stern man I must confess but very smelly in his khaki and that fat protruding tummy that would always stick out making you think that maybe the military tailors that had sewn his uniform didn’t measure him properly or maybe his large frame had already taken up the material allotted to each person. He disgusted me.

Well this was my life, always criticizing when even I had nothing to show. But I know you’d expect me to say things weren’t always like this so here’s my excuse of a story. I’d go straight to the point.

I live this story every day I lay down my head to sleep. The provoking thing being that I could never stop it because well I always had to sleep because of the turmoil I was subjected to. Sometimes I wish I had night duty so I could walk boldly without anyone seeing me but then I had “Day” and so I had to eventually sleep when night came.

As Nigerians, we all get what I mean by the whole “Night duty thing” I mean we all know the famous “Allen Avenue Babes”. That street wasn’t so far from my family’s Ikeja house back then when I lived in Lagos. I was a little informed back then about what went on there and was fascinated at the number of girls parading the roads half dressed and waving down cars that passed by. I never bothered to ask because I would be too engrossed in my father words. He would go on and on about what the Holy Spirit said to him and how the Holy Spirit manifested Himself and how glorious the service and the testimonies were GLORIOUS!

Back to my job description which entailed me satisfying married men who had left their beautiful wives at home. Satisfying their hungers as they trooped in in their numbers every morning from work either taking a break during the prescribed time or merely just coming in. I was to fan their ego make them come alive. I felt worthless when I started this, I used to cry a lot but now I just laugh at myself immediately they enter. Some would find it awkward and withdraw, others won’t and would do anything even implore violence to get that moan out and even the tears. I guess it fanned the embers of their egos. Then I would cry plain tears no emotions attached.

I had no family, no friends, and no place could I call a home, I had no people. I was lost in this strange world which when I initially began to walk I thought I knew. I couldn’t even pray any longer as much as I used to so much so I can even say I forgot God totally. But I remember I had once been the “Alarm Clock” of my family for the morning devotions. I would start and finish the prayers even when my father, the Pastor would be dozing off slightly on the chair of the huge sitting room. One time I could bet I thought I saw him drool on his large bible but the he was to ‘holy’ for that in my eyes. He was anointed and he sometimes would call me anointed too. I would basically laugh it off but when he cited me as an example during youth meetings and sometimes church services I would only bow my head down in humility, it was the right thing to do. I never took those things to heart. in fact there were too many things I never took to heart like wearing skirts or even skimpy or tight clothes or even going out to the mall or cinemas, amongst others most especially having sex. Take note, I wasn’t scared I just didn’t really believe in the unnecessary hype teenagers around me gave to it. I was well into kissing and other vices but then I just didn’t think any stupid boy was worth my virginity. Most of the time I stayed on my own in class or just walked out when the environment in class during prep got too heated up. Haha! I was eventually rumored to be a lesbian after it was noticed! What do I care?

I was “hot”. I knew it. I should have qualified to be a “pussy cat doll” without much effort but I always hid myself not by my own will though. Okay in jss2, I had a LOVER! Yes! A lover. He was in SS1 at that time and I was very young and he was the cutest in his class everybody knew that fact! Here is our story in my story.

I was a very punctual student. Too punctual for that matter and he also was but I never really cared until one particular day when we both arrived an empty school at the same time. I walked behind him stealthily didn’t say a word. I was rather too early that day. Father had to be on the first flight to Abuja so we were dropped off earlier than normal. I was bored and so was he. Well we bumped into each other while looking for activity and that’s how we got talking, he was skipping classes for me when I wanted to take my junior WAEC examinations and had nothing to do.  My handwriting became a normal thing to the teachers when they marked notes bi-weekly. The teachers knew, my principal knew, the whole school about the cutest couple ever. We got matching sweaters and I always complemented his Air force 1’s with my cute ballerina suades that every girl dreamed to have and even the teachers would joke and tell us to make sure we send them our Wedding Invitation cards when the time was due and I would be shy and he would laugh and say “okay “modestly. And then he left. He stopped talking to me and changed schools. I wasn’t bothered during the first few weeks but when we stopped talking and he got a new girlfriend in his new school. I died. I missed the early morning kisses which we would have before anybody else came to school. I had practiced so well and even watched videos on how to do it professionally even though I was already pretty good he could attest to this.

That aside, when he eventually left, then could the side talks about “see wetin Pastor pikin dey do” begin to sink in and get into my ears. At this point I was super vulnerable. Before now, he had shielded from all of this, he never let me hear and never let anyone even say it. He was a freaking senior and I was a disgrace, a freaking disgrace. I didn’t tell my mother even though I knew that she also knew. My grades dropped and I didn’t come to realize the extent of the damage until now.

I was tired and scared of loving again but I did and it turned out right. It lasted for about 5 years but I wanted more because something was missing. I thought I had forgotten my secondary school bobo and moved on but when the time came for me to choose a husband I kept comparing them with him and missing him even more. He was very far away now; he had gotten over me maybe. I couldn’t say. He was happy now where ever he was and so there was no need crying over spilt milk.. I put myself together, wipe the tears that had crowded my lash line, took out my veil and pinned my dreads the way I wanted them and walked out to ”Here comes the bride”. I had made my lifelong decision; I was strong enough for this. I had become as daring as I could be.

I ran into him again.

I lived unhappily inside and had the prettiest smile ever. There was no doubt my husband loved me. I loved him too but I wanted more. I got more and more and then I wanted to cover my happiness by aching for material things that couldn’t even satisfy this hunger, this void, THIS SIN!

Now all I have is nightmares and dreams. Dreams of the comptroller which I earlier narrated, my first love now a monster and those iron bars locking me in a world of self-hatred. I regret now ever wanting him too badly and giving myself up to him a countless number of times. Damn my emotions. Now I live in this bondage! My husband ever so loving would forgive me! He already has! Every day I am taught to forgive myself and set myself free but I never always can.

I live with this heavy heart, I live in this nightmare that’s on “Repeat in my head”.

And my Self-Worth?

Another “Fictional”

Forever His ‘Dinma

My Name…….

This story is totally fictional and any name mentioned is but a coincidence.


I remain,

Forever His ‘Dinma


My name is Akpo-oyoyovwin Okome…. Beautiful name yeah? It means A Beautiful life. As a name of a thing is so it is; a popular saying and belief but well I guess that in my case, the reason why my parents at least those whom I called my parents gave me the name probably because that was the “Name of the year”.

We all as humans look forward to that beautiful day when “the water broke” and the contractions came in full force and the toil began to bring us out into the world which we’ve been in prior to our exit through the dark tunnel of toil to the light of the sun, which the maker king didn’t allow us to see until that particular day- our Birthday.

Prior to this day when we breathed our first breath on our own, we had passed through a selection stage and we were lucky enough to have emerged winners. The ejaculation that served as a pass and the chance given us paid off real good didn’t it? Counting nine (9) months backward, we stood at the lower abdomen of our mothers either as a blessing or as a disgrace.

My parents were blessed by whatever blessed them; because I know that the blessings of The Maker King maketh rich and addeth no sorrows. I grew up regretting why I had been born into this cursed lineage. Mind you, I wasn’t the first child neither was I the last but I was only different and as I was told by the boys who were attracted to me for a short while, unique. My parents were supposed to be “business people”; my mother most especially was gravely particular about material wealth and always liked to show off in my own terms for she, in her own terms called it “being comfortably alive and showing people how life should be”. Showing people how life should be by making people beg you and kiss your feet and doing preposterous and humane things to be able to live comfortably?? My mother can be called a demon; she was the devil’s mother.

My mother as i knew her wanted everything at all cost. At my birth, my mother’s joy knew no boundaries for I wasn’t her first child nor her first girl child and people were amazed at her joy; I wish they knew why for I was but a special child, An Albino. It may not be shocking if I told you that I was indeed conceived in a shrine in front of ritualists and evil people and I was in fact the source of the wealth of my parents and so before I began to “vomit” money, I was treated like gold. The Princess of the royal family wasn’t treated as well as I was and I must say it was a remarkable feeling. I should say I had the best childhood but I didn’t know I was going to be amazed at the anguish the following years would bring. My siblings hated me. I got even what I didn’t ask for and I wasn’t permitted to share anything I had with them; I for one thought it was wrong until I got the beating of my life as a young child anyway, when I disobeyed this rule. I went to the best schools, had the best clothes but one thing was odd about me and that was the seclusion I suffered. I wasn’t allowed to have friends and I wasn’t allowed to participate in religious activities even though my parents claimed to be Christians who even attended Mass and were also Sir and Lady Okome (KSJ). At some point I was home schooled it would have been cool if I had friends to rub it in their faces anyway but I was just sad and lonely.By my 13th birthday, my special teacher started skipping classes and wasn’t so hearty and alive around me anymore. I was bothered and decided to ask exactly what the problem was and after much persuasion she told me that she wasn’t been paid and treated properly anymore and that she was planning to quit. That was the beginning of the climax of my loneliness. She eventually stopped coming and my parents didn’t make any efforts whatsoever to get me a new teacher or at least enroll me in another school if home schooling was too expensive. But instead, they went about complaining about how unreliant and selfish western education is and how they preferred the traditional mode of education. I always giggled at the thought or mention of traditional education.

The first time I ever witnessed my menstruation, I at least had a clue as to what it was but then I still had to ask my mother because at least I thought it was the right thing to do. I entered her room looking sober and then I spoke and all I said was “Mummy, there’s blood in my panties” She jumped up looking confused and astonished and asked me if I had been raped. I was immediately scared at that moment but I was able to summon courage and give her a negative answer. She wasn’t still relaxed but she handed me a sanitary towel, showed me how to use it and that was that. I know she hoped the bleeding would stop but when it didn’t, she then confirmed that I was indeed menstruating and I came to later understand why that thought irritated her very very much. She told my father about it and he too seemed to be bothered and one Friday evening, that same week when I “started” I was told to dress up and get into the car. Instructions were given to the help at home that they shouldn’t bother about staying up late that they were indeed going to be out till very late; they said we were going to the hospital and I wondered why with so much fear in my heart. I was actually shocked at how much the town had developed for I hadn’t seen it in a very long long time. Even though the town had changed I still knew that the direction we were headed wasn’t going to lead us to any hospital. We drove to the outskirts of the town. We drove so far out, that at a point; there were no houses in sight anymore, just wild forests of grasses and palm plantations. We drove on and at some point turned into a dirt road which stretched a very long distance and then came to halt. I was scared. My parents alighted from the car and beckoned me to alight from the car also. I came down and held my mother. Only then could I see a really big mansion and I wondered who lived there and why my parents would bring me to a place like this. We entered and we were welcomed by a butler who offered us a seat and then asked my parents into a room alone. I was left to wait for them. While waiting I could hear shouting and arguments basically coming from my mother. They later came out and gave me a drink and that was it.

I remember none of the events that followed or at least my mind tries to prevent me from suffering a greater madness than I am already inflicted with. All I remember is that from then onwards my menstruation stopped and my own father began to defile me on the 19th of every month; a day when I am supposed to be on my period but I see nothing but “water” which is collected by my mother immediately my father is done rocking my bed back and forth. At a point, I started collecting it and giving to them myself.

This was my life now! The money producer of the family. I hated life I hated my family, I hated my siblings, I hated my father, I hated my MOTHER! This was my special skill and I lived even though I was dead. I never married or did what young girls my age did.

I did this until I was 25 years when I got pregnant somehow and remembered the menstruation incident. I didn’t want any trouble so I didn’t even bother to tell a soul about it. As if I even had a soul to actually tell. And so one fateful day when we were on our way to “The Mansion”, I had never been this determined in my life. That was the only human feeling I had for now; Hope and Determination. No matter what happened, I was either going to escape that day or I was going to kill myself for I had had enough of this demoralization. I beckoned to my father to stop halfway into the journey because I had to pee. There was no answer and eventually, the car came to a stop “Out!” My father screamed and that sent a quiver down my spine and that was the last word he said to me since then. I alighted from the car and walked for a while pretended to squat and then I began to run like a wild dog. Off I went. The trauma and pain I felt made me feel deranged and I ran even more at the sound of footsteps even the ones in my head. I do not know how much I ran but I indeed know that I ran over a thousand miles.

I finally came to a stop when the feotus within my abdomen reminded me that I now had to share everything I had with this creature which I had come to hate so much but then it gave me company in this wilderness of loneliness. I was forced to live like the beasts of the wild. This could have been compared to the bondage I suffered in my parents’ house but this time around I had freedom at least I thought I actually did until I gave birth to a creature; a human I thought but without hands. I was forced to live with this “thing” and answer its questions. “It” looked exactly like my father and reminded me of all the evils he did and all the mistreatments I had suffered but I vowed that unlike my father I would let this “Little one“have a life and so I named her Oghene jerho meaning God Lives Still.

Till now I live in the shadows of my pain and my little one gives me joy.

She’s four (4) now and living her name.

That gives me fulfillment which heals my soul

. I’ve learnt how to smile and I have forgiven, I guess now I am indeed living my name.

Little Lady

A very nice piece indeed

The Stoic

The song ‘Little Lady’ by Ed Sheeran is one I enjoy, because it tells a story. I adapted the story and gave it perspective because these things have happened or are happening to some people. Kemi Coker is a little lady. Here’s her story…

Kemi Coker stood up from the bed and picked her clothes from the floor. She felt different. Usually after a night like this she felt useless, worthless and empty inside but I guess the feeling had become an acquired taste. She dragged herself to the bathroom and mustered the courage to look at her own reflection in the mirror. She was pretty. Even with the huge bump and scar on her face, she was still so beautiful. Ah, the scar. Last night had been quite rough, she’d found out too late that the pot-bellied man now sleeping in the next room was in fact a sadist…

View original post 1,829 more words

To my Lover

To my lover,

You allowed your heart to love me, your reason, unfathomable. I love you, yes! ;but why you deemed it fit to reciprocate all the love, care and attention showered on you even more makes me love you even more.

My meeting you was a very big honor but then I really never thought we’d end up together as lovers. Back then, we barely even knew each other and here we are now.

Our story, quite different from the rest, the story of the coolie and not so popular girl. Oh well that’s a story for another day.

Every day I count it only normal to dream and fantasize about what the future holds for us for I am but only worried about where all this would eventually end.

We’re not married but we’re in this together, male and female.

I no longer have myself alone or my family and friends to bother about. But now I also have you to worry about and I hope you’d worry about me too.

I don’t want to be perfect for I strive for perfection. I want to make errors that would make you angry but then you’d still listen to my still, silent plea for forgiveness.

I do not promise to always be there for you but you at least know my crazy schedule but I indeed promise to try my possible best to make sure you do not feel my absence so much so.

I ask that you strengthen me in my weakness and allow me to grow in my walk with God very importantly and never forget to love God more than you would ever love me.


…..The other Part

……………we only at some point begin to discover ourselves. This tabula rasa begins to get information registered upon it. We only begin to acquire knowledge and education at certain ages all dependent on if western education exists there in.

We begin to make remarkable marks by the good we do and mistakes we’d live to regret if we so desire. We begin to be led by our conscience, the breasts which I used to turn to for nourishment is no longer there, I begin to fend for myself for If I will not work then I am not allowed to eat not by my will but nature’s this time around. That unseen force which I earlier wondered about, tried to understand but I never have really known. Just when I think I have a grasp of it, it makes a folly out of me.

The breasts which used to be storage of the nourishment which I began my journey with becomes a warm cushion when the cares and turbulence of the world overtake me and make me feel like taking my own life.

This unseen force which if you please, pleases you and if you maltreat well takes care to make sure the consequences of your actions are properly meted out.

We have all made mistakes and why I always generalize before narrowing issues down to how I feel is what I seem not to be able avoid. In fact, this specie of God’s creations seems to avoid talking about ourselves but about others. Is it intentional? Is it avoidable? Is it part of our DNA? Because even our creator, The Lord God Almighty doesn’t have any problems telling us about His omnipotence, Greatness, His  Awesomeness, His Loving-kindness, He even doesn’t avoid telling us that He indeed is a Jealous God. He indeed has no bad sides because I mean He’s God and we just humans. With many flaws and mistakes made because of our status as mere mortals.

But the irony of all this is the fact that we’re made in the likeness of this forever true God.

I forget this sometimes because I feel filthy and sinful because of the many wrongs which time with its rigidity wouldn’t let me go back and correct and I am forced to live with and be reminded of this evil which I did sometime in the past.

“No man can love me the way I love me”; that’s what I yell to myself to make myself better when I sit alone and begin to reminisce and compare myself with other people. Instead of appreciating my uniqueness and how my being different from every other person is a blessing indeed. I guess I need another man to come tell me all that I can’t tell myself or better still refuse to tell myself.

I get excited at being told all these beautiful things which I allow myself to see when I look in the mirror. I begin to acknowledge the slant of my eyes! I begin to see the beauty that lies beneath me, I begin to sway my bottom up and down everywhere failing to understand that there’s more to all of this!

Listen, if someone tells you only of how nice you look, that person only wants you for vain reasons but that person couldn’t have been able to tell you all of this if you haven’t glorified your body above all other things.

Pursuit of vain things would only fade away and lead to you making mistakes. For vanity upon vanity is indeed vanity.                            

Pursue true things. Pursue knowledge, Pursue The Maker King, Pursue Wisdom and other things would follow for with wisdom you can discern between a right and a wrong decision would be. And the Maker King? Well the Maker King gives gifts of the spirit amongst which is a heart of discernment.

Do good and hate evil.


For my getting back on here…. A piece of me..The first half


It is not so fascinating for one to know that whatever we do, not all the things totally but basically a percentage of the things we do at a particular period in our lives is a function of someone else’s making specially controlled by divinity- an extraordinary force within which during this period we really can’t account for our actions we definitely cannot explain our reason for doing some particular things. It’s amazing how we can’t even explain why we’re born…why we’re born in the family we’re born in why we’re given the names we’re given.

It is unexplainable, its magnificent how I can’t explain; for I know not the joy or sadness I experienced when I discovered the womb I was born in. I know not what I was before and what I was when i just began to discover what I was. I really do not know who told I was human, who told me to tilt my head towards my mother’s cleavage to obtain nourishment; I still wonder who told me to that this food source which I had just discovered was going to pass through no other channel but through the mouth.

…To be continued

Forever His ‘Dinma.